Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh no, Paleo

So today went pretty well.  Attended an awards banquet to open the morning, and had to restrain myself from the bacon and sausage that was available.  It was tough, but I got through it.  Had an apple, walnuts, eggs and potatoes for breakfast, a sweet potato for lunch, and then chicken, asparagus sauteed with onions and cantaloupe for dinner. I also had a V8 while playing halo, instead of my customary beer.  I did slip up on accident once today, I had a coffee after coming home and without thinking used milk as a creamer.  Plus I do not think eggs count and super strict paleo, but close enough right?

On a side note, I have had a few friends swimmin' in the blues lately.  For this reason or that but it happens to all of us.  It even happens to me, strange huh, lately it has been my knee(yes give me the proverbial arrow to the knee joke) getting me down because I cannot participate in any sports, and as marginal as I am at most of them, it is one of my passions.  Sometimes you have to do something about it.  Try something new, watch a movie you love, listen to music, or apparently eat.  I found this list today of some foods that supposedly improve your mood, which sounds like a good cover to eat some dark chocolate:)  The article is here if you want to see the whole list.

I did get some Rocksmith in today, trying to continue this long process of maybe learning a little bit of guitar.  It is videos like the one posted below that make me excited and jealous of the talent of some people.  You should watch some of their other videos as well if you like classical music with a twist, played by very talented people. Tomorrow is Friday thankfully, so lets finish up this week on a high note.

I'm just sayin...

1 comment:

  1. It amazes me how you take something and turn it positive. I think that's your art, although I wouldn't mind learning guitar. Eventually, hopefully soon, your knee will heal and you'll get to enjoy your passion again. How could you deny yourself BACON!!!
